1. Aims
The aims of the Japan Association of National Universities (JANU) are
stipulated in the fourth article of the Association Regulations as follows`...to
contribute to the development of National Universities by encouraging
close communication and cooperation between National Universities.'JANU
carries out surveys and research studies necessary for the advancement
of National Universities as a whole, as well as projects essential for
mutual cooperation and assistance in education between National Universities.
2. Historical Review
In the midst of the turmoil and poverty of post-war Japan, the concept of the
`new university' was brought to fruition under the National University Establishment
Law, enacted and promulgated in May 1949 as part of the rapid reforms to the educational
system put in place by the occupation forces. In order to achieve equal opportunity
in education, the new National Universities were established evenly on the principle
of one university per prefecture, avoiding over concentration in the major cities.
The National Universities in each prefecture were to become the centers of research
and education, contributing to the advancement of culture and development of industry
in each prefecture. The success of this new plan hinged solely on the development
of facilities and educational staff in each university. Thus the JANU was established
on July 13, 1950, with the express purpose of addressing these issues through
strengthening cooperation between National Universities.
The founding President of the JANU, Shigeru Nanbara (President of The University
of Tokyo) said that the primary purpose of the JANU was to defend the `freedom
of scholarship' as specified in the new Constitution of Japan, and to establish
this as an immovable principle. The issues of autonomy of universities and freedom
of scholarship should not be defended solely by the individual actions and traditions
of universities, as was the case before the Second World War. Rather, these should
be regarded as common issues, defended and established by the collective organization
and power of many universities.
3. Governance
Office bearers of the JANU consist of Members of the Board, which are elected
by dividing Japan into six major regions, with Directors of the Board elected
from each region. The current office bearers, including the added position of
Auditor, are as follows.
President |
: |
Takeshi Sasaki |
President, |
Tokyo University |
Vice President |
: |
Hiroshi Ishi |
President, |
Hitotsubashi University |
: |
Tisato Kajiyama |
President, |
Kyushu University |
Directors of the Board:
Mutsuo Nakamura |
President, |
Hokkaido University |
Takashi Yoshimoto |
President, |
Tohoku University |
Akira Miura |
President, |
Akita University |
Yasuo Kitahara |
President, |
University of Tsukuba |
Kaichi Isono |
President, |
Chiba University |
Setsuho Ikehata |
President, |
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies |
Masuo Aizawa |
President, |
Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Yujiro Hayashi |
President, |
Kanazawa University |
Yoshimitsu Amagishi |
President, |
Shizuoka University |
Minoru Matsuo |
President, |
Nagoya University |
Makoto Nagao |
President, |
Kyoto University |
Hideo Miyahara |
President, |
Osaka University |
Tomoyuki Nogami |
President, |
Kobe University |
Masanori Michiue |
President, |
Tottori University |
Taizo Muta |
President, |
Hiroshima University |
Yusuke Sagara |
President, |
Kochi University |
Akira Hasegawa |
President, |
Saga University |
Moshin Morita |
President, |
University of the Ryukyus Auditor: |
Hideo Akaiwa |
President, |
Gunma University |
Yoshihiro Iida |
President, |
Yokohama National University |
4. Organisation (operating bodies) and Administration
The JANU is a voluntary body operating from membership funds of the eighty-seven National Universities,
and is not an incorporated body. The Association achieves its objectives through the following deliberative
bodies, outlined from (1) to (5) below.
(1) General Assembly
● The General Assembly is the highest deliberative body of the JANU, and consists of Presidents of the
National Universities, who are representatives of the Association's member universities.
● General Assemblies consist of Ordinary General Assemblies and Extraordinary General Assemblies. Ordinary
General Assemblies are held twice a year (in June and November).
(2) Board of Directors
● The Board of Directors consists of the Directors of the Board and the Chairpersons of the Standing Committees.
They are responsible for resolving matters related to the running of the Association.
● Regular meetings of the Board of Directors are held three times a year (in March, June and November).
(3) Board of Executive Directors
● The Board of Executive Directors consists of the President, Vice-President and the Chairpersons of the
Standing Committees. It is responsible for resolving matters related to the day-to-day running of the
Association, as well as matters concerning the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.
● The Board of Executive Directors meets as often as the need arises.
(4) Standing Committees
● Standing Committees consist of University Presidents as Chairpersons of the Committees, academic members
selected by the Board of Directors, as well as specialist members selected from the academic staff of
National Universities.
● There are eight Standing Committees, as indicated by the table below.
Standing Committee |
Committee Chairperson |
Area of Responsibility |
The First Standing Committee |
Yasuo Kitahara
(President, University of Tsukuba) |
Basic Concept, System and Organization, Management |
The Second Standing Committee |
Mutsuo Nakamura
(President, Hokkaido University) |
Matriculation of Students |
The Third Standing Committee |
Taizo Muta
Hiroshima University) |
Liberal Arts Education, Special Education at the Undergraduate Level, Student Life |
The Fourth Standing Committee |
Tsutomu Hyodo
(President, Saitama University) |
Improvement of Salary and Working Conditions for Academic Staff |
The Fifth Standing Committee |
Seizo Miyata
(President, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) |
Academic Exchange and International Cooperation |
The Sixth Standing Committee |
Takashi Yoshimoto
(President, Tohoku
University) |
Finance |
The Seventh Standing Committee |
Makoto Kajitani
(President, The University of Electro-Communications) |
Research, Graduate School, Lifelong Education, Research Information |
The Eighth Standing Committee |
Iichiro Kono
(President, Okayama University) |
Evaluation |
(5) Ad hoc Committees
Ad hoc Committees are established as the need arises, in order to conduct study and research into particular
areas. The Board of Directors appoints committee members.
●At present, there are four Ad hoc Committees in operation, as indicated by the table below.
Ad hoc Committee |
Committee Chairperson |
Area of Responsibility |
The Ad hoc Committee
for Medical Education |
Akio Suzuki
(President, Tokyo Medical and Dental University) |
Medical Education |
The Ad hoc Committee for
Teacher Training |
Yasumasa Okamoto
(President, Tokyo Gakugei University) |
Teacher Training |
The Ad hoc Committee fo
r Investigation into National
University Corporations |
Tisato Kajiyama
(President, Kyushu University) |
Investigation into
National University Corporations |
The Ad hoc Committee for
Preparation for the new
Federation of National Universities |
Hiroshi Ishi
(President, Hitotsubashi University) |
Preparation for the new Federation of National Universities |
5. Office Staff
The JANU has on staff a Director and two Assistant Directors, under which two sections are placed: the
Management Section (responsible for management, accounts and liaison) and the Conference Section (responsible
for conferences, planning and investigations). There are a total of 12 members of staff.
6. Activities
Since its establishment in 1950, the JANU is now in its fifty-third year of operation in 2003. The following
is a review of the representative activities of the Association so far, arranged in ten-year periods:
The first decade: After the Second World War, the multi-track higher education system was reformed into
a more homogenous system of independent four-year universities. From the outset there were major problems
in administration, finance and infrastructure, which JANU worked conscientiously to overcome.
The second decade: As in the West, campuses were rife with disputes dealing with issues such as the revision
of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty and the Anti-Vietnam War movement. The JANU worked towards the appeasement
of student revolt, as well as promoting the autonomous government of individual Universities by eliminating
outside pressure.
The third decade marked the period of high economic growth. It was also a time when youngsters of the
post-war baby boom generation reached university entrance age. The JANU tackled the problem of rapid rise
in student numbers and took measures to increase student intake. At the same time, the Association finally
achieved its long-awaited goal of concurrently administering the Scholastic Test of the first stage of
entrance examinations for all National Universities.
In the fourth decade, the JANU concentrated its efforts on the reform of entrance examinations at National
Universities, including the common first stage Scholastic Test initiated a decade earlier. In order to
promote international exchange with universities in various countries, an invitation program for foreign
university presidents was launched, which continued for the next twenty years.
The fifth decade marked the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II. The government and the Ministry
of Education (which was renamed the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in
January 2001) launched various inquiries to consider the possible reform and reorganisation of universities
and the reform of the education system. In response to these inquiries, the JANU has worked hard at putting
forth and articulating views reflecting the opinions of National Universities. In addition, on the issues
of liberal arts education and equal opportunity between men and women in society, the JANU has brought
together various opinions, including voices that have urged the Association to play a more active role
in these areas. On the international exchange front, the JANU has made concerted efforts to promote short-term
mutual exchanges with undergraduate students from various countries, especially with students from the
United States and Europe. In addition, the Association has cooperated with other public and private universities
to establish a UMAP (University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific) International Secretariat Office in
Japan. With the imminence of issues before us about the form of establishment of National Universities
as Independent Administrative Corporations, the Association has spared no effort in tackling the problems.
Since entering our fifth decade and the 21st Century, the Association has made concerted efforts to deal
with the government policy of National University reform (the establishment of National University Corporations
and the radical reorganisation and merging of National Universities) from the standpoint of National Universities.
We have established ad hoc committees for this issue and discussed the proper form of National Universities.
At the same time, we have participated in government meetings to offer our opinion as the main party making
up the backbone of Japanese Education and Research. The JANU has worked tirelessly to create National
University Corporations that would take into account the special educational and research characteristics
of National Universities.
After the National University Corporation Law was passed, the JANU continued to promote the view that
this law should be operated in deference to each National Universityユs autonomy. The Association continues
to lobby the government in various ways through official requests and the issuance of position papers.
Also, while most of our members, the National Universities, are busily preparing their own administrative
structures under the new system, the Association continues to provide back up through solving common problems
and equipping our members with the latest information.
7. Towards the establishment of the new Federation of National Universities
As described above, Japanese National Universities are being renewed as University Corporations in April
2004, being transformed from institutions under the direct auspices of the government to institutions
having a high degree of autonomy to manage themselves. Of course, this will have a great bearing on the
nature of the JANU from now on.
With this in mind, the Association is considering its own renewal as the new Federation of National Universities;
its precise form and activities are being discussed on the Ad hoc Committee for Preparation for the new
Federation of National Universities. The Association intends to be renewal developmentally as a corporation
aggregate (KOEKIHOJIN) in April of next year.
8. The 87 Member Universities of the JANU:
1. Hokkaido University |
President, Mutsuo Nakamura |
2. Hokkaido University of Education |
President, Noriaki Murayama |
3. Muroran Institute of Technology |
President, Hiroaki Tagashira |
4. Otaru University of Commerce |
President, Yoshiaki Akiyama |
5.Obihiro University of Agriculture andVeterinary Mdeicine |
President, Naoyoshi Suzuki |
6.Asahikawa Medical College |
President, Sunao Yachiku |
7. Kitami Institute of Technology |
President, Hideyuki Tsunemoto |
8. Hirosaki University |
President, Masahiko Endo |
9. Iwate University |
President, Kenichi Hirayama |
10. Tohoku University |
President, Takashi Yoshimoto |
11. Miyagi University of Education |
President, Kaoru Yokosuka |
12. Akita University |
President, Akira Miura |
13. Yamagata University |
President, Fujiro Sendo |
14. Fukushima University |
President, Yoshikazu Usui |
15. Ibaraki University |
President, Takeo Miyata |
16. University of Tsukuba |
President, Yasuo Kitahara |
17. Utsunomiya University |
President, Hiroto Tabara |
18. Gunma University |
President, Hideo Akaiwa |
19. Saitama University |
President, Tsutomu Hyodo |
20. Chiba University |
President, Kaichi Isono |
21. The University of Tokyo |
President, Takeshi Sasaki |
22. Tokyo Medical and Dental University |
President, Akio Suzuki |
23. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies |
President, Setsuho Ikehata |
24. Tokyo Gakugei University |
President, Yasumasa Okamoto |
25. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
President, Seizo Miyata |
26. Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music |
President, Ikuo Hirayama |
27. Tokyo Institute of Technology |
President, Masuo Aizawa |
28. Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology |
President, Rikuo Takai |
29. Ochanomizu University |
President, Masuko Honda |
30 The University of Electro-Communications |
President, Makoto Kajitani |
31. Hitotsubashi University |
President, Hiromitsu Ishi |
32. Yokohama National University |
President, Yoshihiro Iida |
33. Niigata University |
President, Akira Hasegawa |
34. Nagaoka University of Technology |
President, Yo Kojima |
35. Joetsu University of Education |
President, Takashi Watanabe |
36. Yamanashi University |
President, Yoji Yoshida |
37. Shinshu University |
President, Atsushi Komiyama |
38. The Graduate University for Advanced Studies |
President, Keiichi Kodaira |
39. National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies |
President, Toru Yoshimura |
40. Toyama University |
President, Hiroshi Tokizawa |
41. Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University |
President, Akira Takaku |
42. Kanazawa University |
President, Yujiro Hayashi |
43. Fukui University |
President, Shinpei Kojima |
44. Gifu University |
President, Toshio Kuroki |
45. Shizuoka University |
President, Yoshimitu Amagishi |
46. Hamamatsu University School of Medicine |
President, Toshihiko Terao |
47. Nagoya University |
President, Minoru Matsuo |
48. Aichi University of Education |
President, Kenichi Tahara |
49. Nagoya Institute of Technology |
President, Hiroaki Yanagida |
50. Toyohasi University of Technology |
President, Tatau Nishinaga |
51. Mie University |
President, Ryuichi Yatani |
52. Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Presidet, Etsujiro Shimemura |
53. Shiga University |
President, Kenichi Miyamoto |
54. Shiga University of Medical Science |
President, Ryuichi Kikkawa |
55. Kyoto University |
President, Makoto Nagao |
56. Kyoto University of Education |
President, Takatoshi Murata |
57. Kyoto Institute of Technology |
President, Kosuke Kimura |
58. Osaka University |
President, Hideo Miyahara |
59. Osaka University of Foreign Studies |
President, Shun Korenaga |
60. Osaka Kyoiku University |
President, Takashi Inagaki |
61. Hyogo University of Teacher Education |
President, Masataka Nakasu |
62. Kobe University |
President, Tomoyuki Nogami |
63. Nara University of Education |
President, Yasunori Yanagisawa |
64. Nara Womenユs University |
President, Kenji Kume |
65. Wakayama University |
President, Akira Oda |
66. Nara Institute of Science and Technology |
President, Koji Torii |
67. Tottori University |
President, Masanori Michiue |
68. Shimane University |
President, Yuichi Honda |
69. Okayama University |
President, Iichiro Kono |
70. Hiroshima University |
President, Taizo Muta |
71. Yamaguchi University |
President, Hirosih Kato |
72. The University of Tokushima |
President, Toshihiro Aono |
73. Naruto University of Education |
President, Yasushi Mizoue |
74. Kagawa University |
President, Yoshitsugu Kimura |
75. Ehime University |
President, Masayuki Komatu |
76. Kochi University |
President, Yusuke Sagara |
77. Fukuoka University of Education |
President, Yusaku Matsuo |
78. Kyushu University |
President, Tisato Kajiyama |
79. Kyushu Institute of Technology |
President, Teruo Shimomura |
80. Saga University |
President, Akira Hasegawa |
81. Nagasaki University |
President, Hiroshi Saito |
82. Kumamoto University |
President, Tatsuro Sakimoto |
83. Oita University |
President, Iwao Nakayama |
84. Miyazaki University |
President, Akinobu Sumiyoshi |
85. Kagoshima University |
President, Yukihiro Nagata |
86. National Institute of Fitness and Sports In Kanoya |
President, Hidetaro Shibayama |
87. University of the Ryukyus |
President, Moshin Morita |