The Colombian Minister Plenipotentiary visited the Japan Association of National Universities. (June 21)
Gaia Hernández, the Colombian Minister Plenipotentiary, together with Ms. Yukako Kubota, who is responsible for educational and academic exchange, visited The Japan Association of National Universities on June 21, 2019 to exchange opinions.
In the meeting, The Japan Association of National Universities explained the outline of the association, the current state of Japanese national universities, the exchange environment of international students between Japan and foreign countries, and the status of the exchange agreements between Japanese and Colombian universities. Conversely, Gaia Hernández, the Colombian Minister Plenipotentiary, introduced the present situation in Colombia, and examples of exchanges between Colombian universities and Japanese universities. After this, both parties exchanged opinions on the possibility of developing cooperation among universities in both countries.
The association is actively working to further develop exchanges.
A scene of opinion exchange
Group photo